
Tae Jun Yu

Associate Professor
Department of Advanced Convergence
Handong Global University

Office: OH310
Tel: +82-54-260-1794
e-Mail :


Ph.D. (2002), Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
M.S. (1997), Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
B.S. (1995), Physics, Dong-A University

Work Experience

2019.07-Present: co-CEO, HILLAB
2013.08-Present : Associate professor, Handong Global University
2012.10-2013.07 : Senior Researcher , Advanced Photonics Research Institute(APRI), GIST
2007.06-2007.11: Visiting Researcher, STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
2003.04-2012.09 : Researcher, Advanced Photonics Research Institute(APRI), GIST
2002.03-2003.03 : Post Doc, Dept. of Physics and Coherent X-ray Research Center, KAIST

Honors and Awards

2018.02 : 한동대학교 연구우수교원상
2009.06 : 고등광기술연구소 기술개발상
2006.03 : 고등광기술연구소 연구개발상

Professional Activities

2003 – Present : 평의원, 한국물리학회
2010.09 – 2011.08: 한국물리학과, 양자전자분과 간사
2014.03 – 2016.02 : 한국광학회, 광과학분과장